The 3rd of March, 2014 in Brussels was organised an information event with title: Opportunities for SMEs under HORIZON 2020: "HORIZON 2020 is open for business. Participants to this event were able to discover the SME support toolbox under HORIZON 2020 and to learn how to make practical use of it. Detailed informations from this event could be found on:
The name of the Union´ s new funding programme for research and innovation - Horizon 2020 - reflects the ambition to deliver ideas, growth and jobs for the future. Horizon 2020 will be a key tool in implementing the Innovation Union flagship initiative, in delivering on the commitments made therein and in responding to the conclusions of the 4 February 2011 European Council and to the European Parliament´s Resolution of 12 May 2011 on the Innovation Union.
Horizon 2020 brings together all existing Union research and innovation funding, including the Framework Programme for Research, the innovation related acitivities of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology.
There are many usefull information for project participants in "A guide for project participants": cms/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/connectors/php/uploads/file/Guide%20for%20project%20participants%20-%20EU%20research%20and%20innovation.pdf
To learn more, visit please bellow link: